

  • PHD, University of Edinburgh
  • MSc, University of Dundee
  • BSc, University of Stirling

Presidential Professor of Biology

Program Director of GO Australia

Adjunct in Global Programs

Contact Information

I was born in London. By the age of 4, I had decided to be a biologist. By the age of 4 years and one week, I wanted to be an astronaut, a fireman and even a bin man (trash collector).

Eventually I emerged from years in grammar school and with degrees from universities in Scotland. In the late 1980s, I chose to pursue an opportunity to conduct research in insect development at the University of North Carolina.

In 1993, I came to Susquehanna, where I was able to further indulge my love of teaching undergraduates. However, it did not take long for me to get the itch to travel again and I co-developed a precursor to the Global Opportunities (GO) Short Program, which still runs today as Focus Australia.

I have always been adventurous, having been a skydiver, a skier, a climber and a scuba diver, as well as running marathons at least until my knees rebelled. These interests led me to develop a course in exercise and extreme physiology that in turn led to a new GO-Short program based around high-altitude trekking with the Sherpa people in the Himalayas.

I believe that only by being exposed to and challenged by other cultures can we understand and manage the myriad problems facing humanity. Indeed, following the recent earthquakes in Nepal, students who had traveled there with me in 2014 organized a fundraising and awareness campaign that demonstrated this facet of the GO experience at SU admirably.

David Seward Richard, Ph.D.
Professor of Biology
Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences
Susquehanna University


  • 1987 University of Edinburgh, UK. Ph.D. Zoology
  • 1981-­‐1982 University of Dundee, UK. M.Sc. Analytical Biochemistry
  • 1977-­‐1981 University of Stirling, UK. B.Sc (Hons). Biology/ Biochemistry minor

Work experience

  • 2012-­‐Present. Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences. Susquehanna University
  • 2004-­‐Present. Professor of Biology. Susquehanna University
  • 2000 -­‐2004. Associate Professor of Biology. Susquehanna University
  • 1993-­‐2000. Assistant Professor of Biology. Susquehanna University
  • 1991-­‐1993. Instructor UNC Chapel Hill
  • 1987-­‐1993 Post Doctoral Research Associate. UNC Chapel Hill
  • 1983-­‐1987 Research Assistant Edinburgh University, UK
  • 1982-­‐1983 Research Assistant University of Dundee, UK

Teaching experience

  • 1999/2001/2003/2005/2007/2009/2001/2012/2014/2015. Focus Australia GO Program Director
  • 2013 Sherpa Life and Culture GO program Director
  • 1999-­‐2012. Biological Issues in Australia. Seminar course
  • 1994-­‐2015 Cell and Organismal Biology. lectures/labs
  • 2001-­‐2012 Exercise and Extreme Physiology. lectures/labs
  • 2002 to 2014 Freshman seminar
  • 1998/2000 Human Physiology lectures/labs
  • 1994-­‐2011 Animal Physiology lectures/labs
  • 1994-­‐2011 Cell Biology, lectures/labs
  • 1993-­‐2013 Undergraduate research projects. Supervisor (75 students)
  • 1993 Introductory Biology, Instructor. UNC-­‐CH
  • 1991-­‐93 Animal Physiology. Instructor. UNC Chapel Hill
  • 1990-­‐93 Undergraduate research projects Co-­‐supervisor. (3 students). UNC Chapel Hill


  • 2009-­‐2012: Speaker of the Faculty: Susquehanna University
  • 2009/2012 External reviewer Misericordia Biology Department
  • 2001-­‐2007. Chair: Biology Department Susquehanna University
  • 2000-­‐2006. Voting member of Susquehanna University Board of Directors
  • 1996-­‐Present. Multiple University committees
  • 1994. Panel member: Human and Animal Biology: Developmental and Reproductive Biology study section, NASA Life and Biomedical Sciences and Applications
  • 1994-­‐96 National Institutes of Health. Tropical Medicine. Study section Panel member:
  • Reviews for Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology. The Journal of Insect Physiology, European Journal of Entomology, Science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Archives in Insect Physiology, Insect Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Journal of Genetics as requested

Grants and Awards

  • 2002 NIH R15 AREA grant. $127,609. Principle Investigator
  • 2001 NSF Equipment grant $129,552. Co-­‐ Principle Investigator
  • 2000 John C. Horn Award for distinguished scholarship and service to Susquehanna University
  • 1996 NIH R15 AREA grant. $106,104. Principle Investigator
  • 1996 Susquehanna University Research Grant. $5000. Principle Investigator
  • 1994 Susquehanna University Research Grant. $5000 Principle Investigator


Muntz,W.R.A. and Richard,D.S. (1982) Photomechanical movements in the trout retina following brief flashes of light. Vision Research,22,529-­‐530.
Richard,D.S., Beattie,K.A. and Codd,G.A. (1983) Toxicity of cyanobacterial blooms from Scottish freshwaters. Environmental Technology Letters, 4, 377-­‐382.
Richard,D.S. and Saunders,D.S. (1986) In vitro activation of prothoracic glands from diapause and non-­‐diapause destined Sarcophaga argyrostoma and Calliphora vicina. In, Insect Neurochemistry and Neurophysiology. Eds. Borkovec,A.B. and Gelman,D.B. Humana Press, pp 343-­‐346.
Richard,D.S., Saunders,D.S., Egan,V. and Thomson,R.C.K. (1986) The timing of larval wandering and puparium formation in the flesh-­‐fly Sarcophaga argyrostoma. Physiological Entomology, 11, 53-­‐60.*
Richard,D.S., Warren,J.T., Saunders,D.S. and Gilbert,L.I. (1987) Haemolymph ecdysteroid titres in diapause and non-­‐diapause destined larvae and pupae of Sarcophaga argyrostoma. J. Insect Physiology, 33, 115-­‐122.
Richard,D.S. and Saunders,D.S. (1987) Prothoracic gland function in diapause and non-­‐diapause destined Sarcophaga argyrostoma and Calliphora vicina. J. Insect Physiology, 33, 385-­‐392.
Saunders,D.S., Kenny,N.A.P. and Richard,D.S. (1988) The blowfly, Calliphora vicina: Some problems in photoperiodism and diapause endocrinology. In, Endocrinological Frontiers in Physiological Insect Ecology. Eds. Sehnal,F., Zabza,A. and Denlinger,D.L. Wroclaw Technical University Press, Wroclaw. pp, 293-­‐308.
Richard,D.S., Applebaum,S.W., Sliter,T.J., Baker,F.C., Schooley,D.A., Reuter,C.C. Henrich,V.C. and Gilbert,L.I. (1989) Juvenile hormone biosynthesis in vitro by the ring gland of Drosophila melanogaster: A putative new juvenile hormone in the higher Diptera. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA. 86, 1421-­‐1425
Richard,D.S., Applebaum,S.W. and Gilbert,L.I. (1989) Developmental regulation of juvenile hormone biosynthesis by the ring gland of Drosophila melanogaster. J. Comparative Physiology B. 159,383-­‐387.
Richard,D.S., Applebaum,S.W. and Gilbert,L.I. (1990) Allatostatic regulation of juvenile hormone production in vitro by ring glands of Drosophila melanogaster. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 68, 153-­‐161.
Altaratz,M., Segal,D., Richard,D.S., Gilbert,L.I. and Applebaum,S.W. (1990) Juvenile hormone production by wild type and apterous4 mutant Drosophila melanogaster corpora allata in vitro. In, Insect Neurochemistry and Neurophysiology 1989. Eds. A.B. Borkovec and E.P. Masler. The Humana Press, pp 333-­‐336.
Saunders,D.S., Richard,D.S. Applebaum,S.W., Ma,M. and Gilbert,L.I. (1990) Photoperiodic diapause in Drosophila melanogaster: A block to the juvenile hormone regulation of ovarian maturation. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 79,174-­‐184.
Baker,F.C., Reuter,C.C., Tsai,L.W., Brindle,P.A., Richard,D.S., Tobe,S.S. and Schooley,D.A. (1990) Use of microderviatization techniques in combination with thin-­‐layer chromatography, liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-­‐mass spectrometry for investigation of juvenile hormones and related compounds. In, Chromatography and isolation of insect hormones and pheromones. Eds. McCaffery, A.R. and Wilson, I.D. Plenum Press, New York, pp 19-­‐30.
Altaratz,M., Segal,D., Richard,D.S., Gilbert,L.I. and Applebaum,S.W. (1991) Regulation of juvenile hormone synthesis in wild-­‐type and apterous mutant Drosophila. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 81,205-­‐216.
Richard, D.S. and Gilbert,L.I. (1991) Reversible juvenile hormone inhibition of ecdysteroid and juvenile hormone synthesis by the ring gland of Drosophila melanogaster. Experientia. 47,1063-­‐1066.
Gilbert,L.I. and Richard,D.S. (1991) The juvenile hormone of Drosophila melanogaster. Am. Chem. Soc. Abstr. Pap. 202, 1-­‐2.
Segal,D., Altaratz,M., Richard,D.S., Gilbert,L.I. and Applebaum,S.W. (1991) Developmental regulation of juvenile hormone synthesis in wild-­‐type and apterous mutant Drosophila melanogaster. Phytoparasitica, 19,4. 333-­‐334
Sliter,T.J., Warren,J.L., Richard,D.S. and Gilbert,L.I. (1992) A new Drosophila mutant with novel effects on ecdysteroid-­‐regulated development. Abs. Ecdysone Workshop 10. p71.
Kenny, N.A.P., Richard,D.S., Bradley,H.K. and Saunders,D.S. (1992) Photoperiodic sensitivity and diapause induction during ovarian, embryonic and larval development of the flesh fly Sarcophaga argyrostoma. Journal of Biosciences.
Richard, D.S. Arnim,A.E. and Gilbert, L.I. * (1993) A reappraisal of the hormonal regulation of larval fat body histolysis in female Drosophila melanogaster. Experientia. 49,150-­‐156. *
Richard,D.S., Watkins,N.L., Serafin,R.B., and Gilbert L.I. (1998) Ecdysteroids regulate yolk protein uptake by Drosophila melanogaster oocytes. Journal of Insect Physiology. 44,637-­‐644*
Richard,D.S., Gilbert,M., Crum,B. Hollinshead,D.M. Schelble,S. and Scheswohl,D. (2001) Yolk protein endocytosis by oocytes in Drosophila melanogaster: immunofluorescent localization of clathrin, adaptin and the yolk protein receptor. Journal of Insect Physiology. 47/7,715-­‐723.
Richard, David S., Jennifer M. Jones, Michael R. Barbarito, Stacy Cerula, J. Paul Detweiler, Stephen J. Fisher, Dana M. Brannigan, Danielle M. Scheswohl. (2001) Vitellogenesis in diapausing and mutant Drosophila melanogaster; further evidence for the relative roles of ecdysteroids and juvenile hormones. Journal of Insect Physiology. 47/8,905-­‐913.
Richard,D.S., Rybczynski,R., Wilson, T.G., Wang,Y., Wayne,M.L., Zhou,Y., Kroll,T.R., Partridge,L. and Harshman,L.G. (2005) Insulin signaling is necessary for vitellogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster irrespective of the roles of juvenile hormone and ecdysteroids.. Journal of Insect Physiology. 51/4 455-­‐464.
Richard,D.S. (2012) The Canary in the Himalayas. Scientific American Guest Blog. January 20, 2012.­‐blog/2012/01/20/the-­‐canary-­‐in-­‐the-­‐himalayas/
Plus numerous conference presentations and invited seminars

  • BIOL-205: Organismal Biology
  • BIOL-310: Animal Physiology
  • BIOL-315: Animal and Exercise Physiology Lab
  • BIOL-320: Exercise & Extreme Physiology
  • BIOL-510: Student Research I
  • BIOL-511: Student Research II
  • BIOL-550: Biological Issues in Australia
  • BIOL-560: Biology, Politics, & Media
  • BIOL-560: Interdis: Biol Issue Australia
  • BIOL-560: Life At High Altitude
  • FYSE-101: FYSE: Stress, Science, Politi
  • INTD-505: Independent Study
  • OFFP-AUSTRAL: Focus Australia
  • OFFP-NEPAL: Sherpa Life & Culture
  • OFFR-AUSTRAL: Focus Australia
  • OFFR-NEPAL: Sherpa Life & Culture
  • OFFS-AUSTRAL: Focus Australia
  • OFFS-NEPAL: Sherpa Life & Culture
  • PRDV-104: Perspectives

About Me

I was born in London. By the age of 4, I had decided to be a biologist. By the age of 4 years and one week, I wanted to be an astronaut, a fireman and even a bin man (trash collector).

Eventually I emerged from years in grammar school and with degrees from universities in Scotland. In the late 1980s, I chose to pursue an opportunity to conduct research in insect development at the University of North Carolina.

In 1993, I came to Susquehanna, where I was able to further indulge my love of teaching undergraduates. However, it did not take long for me to get the itch to travel again and I co-developed a precursor to the Global Opportunities (GO) Short Program, which still runs today as Focus Australia.

I have always been adventurous, having been a skydiver, a skier, a climber and a scuba diver, as well as running marathons at least until my knees rebelled. These interests led me to develop a course in exercise and extreme physiology that in turn led to a new GO-Short program based around high-altitude trekking with the Sherpa people in the Himalayas.

I believe that only by being exposed to and challenged by other cultures can we understand and manage the myriad problems facing humanity. Indeed, following the recent earthquakes in Nepal, students who had traveled there with me in 2014 organized a fundraising and awareness campaign that demonstrated this facet of the GO experience at SU admirably.

Professional Experience

David Seward Richard, Ph.D.
Professor of Biology
Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences
Susquehanna University


  • 1987 University of Edinburgh, UK. Ph.D. Zoology
  • 1981-­‐1982 University of Dundee, UK. M.Sc. Analytical Biochemistry
  • 1977-­‐1981 University of Stirling, UK. B.Sc (Hons). Biology/ Biochemistry minor

Work experience

  • 2012-­‐Present. Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences. Susquehanna University
  • 2004-­‐Present. Professor of Biology. Susquehanna University
  • 2000 -­‐2004. Associate Professor of Biology. Susquehanna University
  • 1993-­‐2000. Assistant Professor of Biology. Susquehanna University
  • 1991-­‐1993. Instructor UNC Chapel Hill
  • 1987-­‐1993 Post Doctoral Research Associate. UNC Chapel Hill
  • 1983-­‐1987 Research Assistant Edinburgh University, UK
  • 1982-­‐1983 Research Assistant University of Dundee, UK

Teaching experience

  • 1999/2001/2003/2005/2007/2009/2001/2012/2014/2015. Focus Australia GO Program Director
  • 2013 Sherpa Life and Culture GO program Director
  • 1999-­‐2012. Biological Issues in Australia. Seminar course
  • 1994-­‐2015 Cell and Organismal Biology. lectures/labs
  • 2001-­‐2012 Exercise and Extreme Physiology. lectures/labs
  • 2002 to 2014 Freshman seminar
  • 1998/2000 Human Physiology lectures/labs
  • 1994-­‐2011 Animal Physiology lectures/labs
  • 1994-­‐2011 Cell Biology, lectures/labs
  • 1993-­‐2013 Undergraduate research projects. Supervisor (75 students)
  • 1993 Introductory Biology, Instructor. UNC-­‐CH
  • 1991-­‐93 Animal Physiology. Instructor. UNC Chapel Hill
  • 1990-­‐93 Undergraduate research projects Co-­‐supervisor. (3 students). UNC Chapel Hill


  • 2009-­‐2012: Speaker of the Faculty: Susquehanna University
  • 2009/2012 External reviewer Misericordia Biology Department
  • 2001-­‐2007. Chair: Biology Department Susquehanna University
  • 2000-­‐2006. Voting member of Susquehanna University Board of Directors
  • 1996-­‐Present. Multiple University committees
  • 1994. Panel member: Human and Animal Biology: Developmental and Reproductive Biology study section, NASA Life and Biomedical Sciences and Applications
  • 1994-­‐96 National Institutes of Health. Tropical Medicine. Study section Panel member:
  • Reviews for Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology. The Journal of Insect Physiology, European Journal of Entomology, Science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Archives in Insect Physiology, Insect Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Journal of Genetics as requested

Grants and Awards

  • 2002 NIH R15 AREA grant. $127,609. Principle Investigator
  • 2001 NSF Equipment grant $129,552. Co-­‐ Principle Investigator
  • 2000 John C. Horn Award for distinguished scholarship and service to Susquehanna University
  • 1996 NIH R15 AREA grant. $106,104. Principle Investigator
  • 1996 Susquehanna University Research Grant. $5000. Principle Investigator
  • 1994 Susquehanna University Research Grant. $5000 Principle Investigator


Muntz,W.R.A. and Richard,D.S. (1982) Photomechanical movements in the trout retina following brief flashes of light. Vision Research,22,529-­‐530.
Richard,D.S., Beattie,K.A. and Codd,G.A. (1983) Toxicity of cyanobacterial blooms from Scottish freshwaters. Environmental Technology Letters, 4, 377-­‐382.
Richard,D.S. and Saunders,D.S. (1986) In vitro activation of prothoracic glands from diapause and non-­‐diapause destined Sarcophaga argyrostoma and Calliphora vicina. In, Insect Neurochemistry and Neurophysiology. Eds. Borkovec,A.B. and Gelman,D.B. Humana Press, pp 343-­‐346.
Richard,D.S., Saunders,D.S., Egan,V. and Thomson,R.C.K. (1986) The timing of larval wandering and puparium formation in the flesh-­‐fly Sarcophaga argyrostoma. Physiological Entomology, 11, 53-­‐60.*
Richard,D.S., Warren,J.T., Saunders,D.S. and Gilbert,L.I. (1987) Haemolymph ecdysteroid titres in diapause and non-­‐diapause destined larvae and pupae of Sarcophaga argyrostoma. J. Insect Physiology, 33, 115-­‐122.
Richard,D.S. and Saunders,D.S. (1987) Prothoracic gland function in diapause and non-­‐diapause destined Sarcophaga argyrostoma and Calliphora vicina. J. Insect Physiology, 33, 385-­‐392.
Saunders,D.S., Kenny,N.A.P. and Richard,D.S. (1988) The blowfly, Calliphora vicina: Some problems in photoperiodism and diapause endocrinology. In, Endocrinological Frontiers in Physiological Insect Ecology. Eds. Sehnal,F., Zabza,A. and Denlinger,D.L. Wroclaw Technical University Press, Wroclaw. pp, 293-­‐308.
Richard,D.S., Applebaum,S.W., Sliter,T.J., Baker,F.C., Schooley,D.A., Reuter,C.C. Henrich,V.C. and Gilbert,L.I. (1989) Juvenile hormone biosynthesis in vitro by the ring gland of Drosophila melanogaster: A putative new juvenile hormone in the higher Diptera. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA. 86, 1421-­‐1425
Richard,D.S., Applebaum,S.W. and Gilbert,L.I. (1989) Developmental regulation of juvenile hormone biosynthesis by the ring gland of Drosophila melanogaster. J. Comparative Physiology B. 159,383-­‐387.
Richard,D.S., Applebaum,S.W. and Gilbert,L.I. (1990) Allatostatic regulation of juvenile hormone production in vitro by ring glands of Drosophila melanogaster. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 68, 153-­‐161.
Altaratz,M., Segal,D., Richard,D.S., Gilbert,L.I. and Applebaum,S.W. (1990) Juvenile hormone production by wild type and apterous4 mutant Drosophila melanogaster corpora allata in vitro. In, Insect Neurochemistry and Neurophysiology 1989. Eds. A.B. Borkovec and E.P. Masler. The Humana Press, pp 333-­‐336.
Saunders,D.S., Richard,D.S. Applebaum,S.W., Ma,M. and Gilbert,L.I. (1990) Photoperiodic diapause in Drosophila melanogaster: A block to the juvenile hormone regulation of ovarian maturation. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 79,174-­‐184.
Baker,F.C., Reuter,C.C., Tsai,L.W., Brindle,P.A., Richard,D.S., Tobe,S.S. and Schooley,D.A. (1990) Use of microderviatization techniques in combination with thin-­‐layer chromatography, liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-­‐mass spectrometry for investigation of juvenile hormones and related compounds. In, Chromatography and isolation of insect hormones and pheromones. Eds. McCaffery, A.R. and Wilson, I.D. Plenum Press, New York, pp 19-­‐30.
Altaratz,M., Segal,D., Richard,D.S., Gilbert,L.I. and Applebaum,S.W. (1991) Regulation of juvenile hormone synthesis in wild-­‐type and apterous mutant Drosophila. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 81,205-­‐216.
Richard, D.S. and Gilbert,L.I. (1991) Reversible juvenile hormone inhibition of ecdysteroid and juvenile hormone synthesis by the ring gland of Drosophila melanogaster. Experientia. 47,1063-­‐1066.
Gilbert,L.I. and Richard,D.S. (1991) The juvenile hormone of Drosophila melanogaster. Am. Chem. Soc. Abstr. Pap. 202, 1-­‐2.
Segal,D., Altaratz,M., Richard,D.S., Gilbert,L.I. and Applebaum,S.W. (1991) Developmental regulation of juvenile hormone synthesis in wild-­‐type and apterous mutant Drosophila melanogaster. Phytoparasitica, 19,4. 333-­‐334
Sliter,T.J., Warren,J.L., Richard,D.S. and Gilbert,L.I. (1992) A new Drosophila mutant with novel effects on ecdysteroid-­‐regulated development. Abs. Ecdysone Workshop 10. p71.
Kenny, N.A.P., Richard,D.S., Bradley,H.K. and Saunders,D.S. (1992) Photoperiodic sensitivity and diapause induction during ovarian, embryonic and larval development of the flesh fly Sarcophaga argyrostoma. Journal of Biosciences.
Richard, D.S. Arnim,A.E. and Gilbert, L.I. * (1993) A reappraisal of the hormonal regulation of larval fat body histolysis in female Drosophila melanogaster. Experientia. 49,150-­‐156. *
Richard,D.S., Watkins,N.L., Serafin,R.B., and Gilbert L.I. (1998) Ecdysteroids regulate yolk protein uptake by Drosophila melanogaster oocytes. Journal of Insect Physiology. 44,637-­‐644*
Richard,D.S., Gilbert,M., Crum,B. Hollinshead,D.M. Schelble,S. and Scheswohl,D. (2001) Yolk protein endocytosis by oocytes in Drosophila melanogaster: immunofluorescent localization of clathrin, adaptin and the yolk protein receptor. Journal of Insect Physiology. 47/7,715-­‐723.
Richard, David S., Jennifer M. Jones, Michael R. Barbarito, Stacy Cerula, J. Paul Detweiler, Stephen J. Fisher, Dana M. Brannigan, Danielle M. Scheswohl. (2001) Vitellogenesis in diapausing and mutant Drosophila melanogaster; further evidence for the relative roles of ecdysteroids and juvenile hormones. Journal of Insect Physiology. 47/8,905-­‐913.
Richard,D.S., Rybczynski,R., Wilson, T.G., Wang,Y., Wayne,M.L., Zhou,Y., Kroll,T.R., Partridge,L. and Harshman,L.G. (2005) Insulin signaling is necessary for vitellogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster irrespective of the roles of juvenile hormone and ecdysteroids.. Journal of Insect Physiology. 51/4 455-­‐464.
Richard,D.S. (2012) The Canary in the Himalayas. Scientific American Guest Blog. January 20, 2012.­‐blog/2012/01/20/the-­‐canary-­‐in-­‐the-­‐himalayas/
Plus numerous conference presentations and invited seminars

Courses Taught

  • BIOL-205: Organismal Biology
  • BIOL-310: Animal Physiology
  • BIOL-315: Animal and Exercise Physiology Lab
  • BIOL-320: Exercise & Extreme Physiology
  • BIOL-510: Student Research I
  • BIOL-511: Student Research II
  • BIOL-550: Biological Issues in Australia
  • BIOL-560: Biology, Politics, & Media
  • BIOL-560: Interdis: Biol Issue Australia
  • BIOL-560: Life At High Altitude
  • FYSE-101: FYSE: Stress, Science, Politi
  • INTD-505: Independent Study
  • OFFP-AUSTRAL: Focus Australia
  • OFFP-NEPAL: Sherpa Life & Culture
  • OFFR-AUSTRAL: Focus Australia
  • OFFR-NEPAL: Sherpa Life & Culture
  • OFFS-AUSTRAL: Focus Australia
  • OFFS-NEPAL: Sherpa Life & Culture
  • PRDV-104: Perspectives